Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb.
My car is finally in the shop being repaired after the accident. I made the appointment for Monday, and they arranged for me to have a rental car. I showed up 5 minutes early, and waited around for almost a half hour but no rental car! So I head to work and call them explaining that I need a rental car or I can't drop my car off. They straighten out the rental car company and tell me they will make sure there is a car for me the next day. Tuesday, a guy meets me at the auto body shop at 7:05 and takes me to the rental car place and they give me a 2002 Dodge Neon (the car that smiles at you). Bleh, it is stinky! The people who rented it before me must have smoked like 2 packs a day in the car with the windows rolled up! After about 5 miles driving it my eyes were itchy and watering, and I was getting really congested! So these past two days, I have had the windows down when driving, and when the car is parked at home. It is slowly getting better. I want my old car back!! They estimate 9 business days before it is fixed, so I am counting down days now.
YEA yesterday was Sayang's b'day, and I kept teasing her that she is the product of two consecutive primes years old. This may only happen 4 times in a person's lifetime if they are lucky! Aside from that, we didn't really do anything... We stopped celebrating birthdays after a Friday khutbah a few years ago. It was a fun Friday. Imam talked about how the Prophet (saw) didn't celebrate b'days and why we shouldn't do it now. Then right after prayer, I was talking to a couple of brothers, and some guy asked us to help him hang decorations on the walls. It room was starting to look festive and the buy pulls out this big "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Sign! My friend and I look at each other and start laughing. We tried to gently tell him that today wasn't a good day to hang that sign up after the rousing sermon we just received. He looked confused, so we had to elaborate on the khutbah that was just given. I guess he wasn't paying too much attention, but he agreed not to hang up the sign.
One week has past!!! My class last Thursday was wonderful! We whizzed through three chapters relating to why managers should know statistics, graphical representations, and elementary probability... It was (hopefully) review for most of the students, as most of them didn't have many questions. Alhumdulillah, I lived through my first day of teaching a graduate level class, and now I am getting excited about it. My free time has disappeared! I spend about an hour a night preparing for the class, reading the material, making notes and working out the homework to make sure that I have a very good understanding of what the question is asking, and how to solve it... I bet I'm doing more work than the students!! By the end of the class, I will have a good understanding of business statistics!!
Well, work is going to get busier tomorrow, as the testing team will be testing 5 applications concurrently! It will be my first trial by fire! Hope everyone has a good day!
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