Wednesday, March 14, 2018

To resume or not?

Thinking about going public again? I just took down most of my posts to 'protect the innocent' but I know they are floating around in cyber-space.  I'm updating, and cleaning up grammar and spelling, and will put it back as I make progress.  I've learned so much this past decade, and the old posts are an old me, so I don't want to change the style...  but no-one needs to see my spelling mistakes! 

Pro's Con's
Practice writing Time commitment
Grow a new audience Political climate
Spread Ideas and grow Privacy

While I don't flaunt my religion, I don't hide it either. I believe everyone has their own path to follow, and will have to live with their own choices. My concern involves the current political environment. There have been three instances of hatred where I live. Hijabi med students being shouted at and a friend being struck from behind in a parking lot. The assault was caught on security cameras, charges were pressed but the authorities are not interested in pursuing the complaint. Should we be concerned with old men are allowed to sucker punch someone for the clothes they are wearing or the language they speak? These thoughts hold me back. Sayang has experienced this. I have as well when I worked for an Israeli company. But Alhumdulillah, me and mine have been safe here. I remember consoling Sayang last summer telling her our only fear should be of God... easy words to say, hard to live by.  Am I up for the challenge?

On that note, I listened to an interesting Ted Talk on YouTube, posted Aug 2017:  How Americans view Islam.