Assalamu alaikum
Wow, it has been a week since I last posted! I had another busy week, and weekend... Last weekend, on Saturday I went to a Malay gathering. Alhamdulillah, it was great to see everyone again, and the food was wonderful! Sunday the school had a Bazaar and the teachers worked in shifts at the various booths. My shift was to give everyone breaks, and make sure it was going smoothly. I got to sale food, operate the Moon walk, sale jewelry, cook, clean, take out trash....MashaAllah, it was a wonderful day with nice weather and many people came and ate the delicious food. My poor wife made the egg-rolls that morning, but since I needed to stay all day she elected to stay at home with baby.
Last week I was a grumpy teacher. Something about fall is making students more talkative and I have to be meaner to get them to do work. I don't like to yell, but sometimes I have to, especially when students are being unruly and even talking back... I want to move to a country where I can carry a ruler, and use it on naughty students!!! I couldn't believe it, a teacher asked for help with computers for her class, and I was gone for less than 5 minutes and two girls were pulling each others Hijabs off in a mixed classroom. I made them both eat lunch in my classroom as a lunch detention.
Sunday, a student threatened to beat my son up. I hunted him down and yelled at him, the principal punished him and made him apologize, then his mother and aunty heard about it, and fussed at him again. Then he goes to his father and says my son was teasing him and he is just a poor innocent kid. So the father comes and tries to convince me that the 3-4 witnesses are wrong and his son is a poor innocent kid that is always picked on blah blah blah. This kid is a trouble maker, and has the reputation of being a bully. I told him I will fail him for bad conduct if he doesn't behave while on masjid property but I bit my tongue while talking to his father and let the dad live in his own fantasy world. The mom knows how the student acts, and doesn't put up with it.
Anyway, enough complaining... inshaAllah this week will be better and I am learning from the experiences to become a better teacher.
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