Wednesday, March 14, 2018

To resume or not?

Thinking about going public again? I just took down most of my posts to 'protect the innocent' but I know they are floating around in cyber-space.  I'm updating, and cleaning up grammar and spelling, and will put it back as I make progress.  I've learned so much this past decade, and the old posts are an old me, so I don't want to change the style...  but no-one needs to see my spelling mistakes! 

Pro's Con's
Practice writing Time commitment
Grow a new audience Political climate
Spread Ideas and grow Privacy

While I don't flaunt my religion, I don't hide it either. I believe everyone has their own path to follow, and will have to live with their own choices. My concern involves the current political environment. There have been three instances of hatred where I live. Hijabi med students being shouted at and a friend being struck from behind in a parking lot. The assault was caught on security cameras, charges were pressed but the authorities are not interested in pursuing the complaint. Should we be concerned with old men are allowed to sucker punch someone for the clothes they are wearing or the language they speak? These thoughts hold me back. Sayang has experienced this. I have as well when I worked for an Israeli company. But Alhumdulillah, me and mine have been safe here. I remember consoling Sayang last summer telling her our only fear should be of God... easy words to say, hard to live by.  Am I up for the challenge?

On that note, I listened to an interesting Ted Talk on YouTube, posted Aug 2017:  How Americans view Islam.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

I haven't posted here since, well... it's been a very long time.  They theme may change a little, as I was just reading research that writing about problems is much more effective than talking about them.  Along the same correlation, the "power of positive thinking" is not really as effective for goal planning as writing about them.

One researcher told a story about counting our blessings, all the reasons we should be thankful to Allah.  She  used the analogy of walking into a room filled with the scent of freshly baked bread.  We appreciate the scent, but gradually get use to it.  Gifts are very similar, we adjust, and start to take them for granted.  Writing journals expressing thankfulness is akin to stepping outside for several minutes, enjoying the fresh air, then re-entering and experiencing that fresh smell of bread all over.  InshaAllah, I will start with the process through the days of the week:
     Monday:  Thanksgiving
           List at least three things I am thankful for from the past week.
     Tuesday:  Terrific Times
           Write about a wonderful experience in my life.
     Wednesday:  Future Fantastic
           Write about a realistic goal, or dream.
      Thursday:  Dear...
            Write a short letter to a person important describing how much I care, and their impact on my life.
     Friday:  Review the situation
            Think back over the past seven days, and make a note of three things that went really well.

So I get a bit of a break, since this is only Saturday :) but hear's to writing my way through a couple of bad choices, and back into my usual happy-go-lucky self.  Alhumdulillah, it has been a stressful time, and also a time where growth is needed.  I pray Allah guides me, and all my brothers and sisters by our forelocks to a life that is pleasing to Him.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Assalamu Alaikum

An annual update now? Alhumdulillah I completed my first year of teaching, and have started my 2nd year now. Life is completely different than what I am use to, but it is growing on me. Sayang still prefers city life, and misses the museums, parks, etc... Two more years, and then we will see what happens next.

This past year and a half, we've moved three times, I lived a semester away from my family, lost a relative, gained a relative, and sent my son away to U. I taught 41 credit hours across 6 different classes and preps. We drove over 4000 miles last summer, and I went through 17 states (nearly 35% of the states in the US :) )

Eid on Friday! (maybe Thursday). I'm going home to an awesome Malay PotLuck with lots of delicious food and wonderful company! Eid Mubarak or Selamat Hari Riya!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Assalamu Alaikum,

A new end and a new beginning. I am electing to discontinue my pursuit of a PhD for now, and looking to teach. I'm currently on summer break!! WooHoo!!!

This last semester took a lot out of me, mentally, physically and spiritually, and right now I am just trying to find a new position, and regrow/recover. InshaAllah I will be able to find a postion in the midwest, but at this point, I am also applying to positions as they appear, so if anyone knows of a community college needing a mathematics teacher, or a university needing a mathematics lecturer...


Sunday, November 30, 2008

Assalamu Alaikum

So much for good intentions? It is the final week of classes before the semester is over. I am about half done with a 20+ page paper, and still working away. I will write a final later today, and start reading/reviewing for finals.



Monday, November 03, 2008

Assalamu Alaikum!

YAY! I got to present algebras in analysis. A couple of classmates weren't ready, as algebras an abstract jump that caused me headaches the first time. My problem was easy enough, and I worked through the problem step by step to show something was a sigma algebra. Afterward, a couple of people expressed appreciation, since their problem was similar and they were struggling with how to start.

In class, I have been teaching elementary statistics, and reading graphs. To break the pattern, I let the students skim the section today, had each table of students write a problem, and one or two people present their solutions. This was mostly to get them talking more, and discussing mathematical ideas. For the most part it worked well, and they get away with a day of no homework. However, Friday, I asked them to find an article using statistics, and relate it back to the books guildelines for evaluating the statistical accuracy, so they still have to write something for me.

I am going to go home early, eat with my family, and relax a little before starting homework/grading. It seems so dark now, thanks to daylight savings and falling back an hour.
Tonight, will be reading about "the Bold Move", a strategy for playing roulette. It turns out that this technique produces a continuous, but non-differentiable graph which has some odd characteristics. So I chose it for my analysis presentation on Wednesday.


Sunday, November 02, 2008

Assalamu Alaikum!!

I need to learn how to write again :D

I spent the last three years of my life gaining experience and skills in math education. I started a "masters" for 2 years, while adjuncting at another school. (only slightly frowned upon), but since my focus was in so many different directions, I wasn't successful enough. Graduate school requires focus!! So I spent a year adjuncting at three schools, while looking for a new school.

Last summer, I packed up my family, and we moved west! I am in a Math Education program working toward my PhD, and loving it! But education courses require a lot of writing! I am out of practice, and need to get use to typing again. What better way than to re-start my ancient blog with another slight change of focus.

I'm not going to try to update years worth of posts, so just consider this a fresh start, and i'll take it one day at a time.

Heres to a new life, in a new state, new job, new house. (same family!! but it's grown some). My poor sayang told me that she would be *really* happy if I could finish in three years, and move somewhere less "stinky". Yep! She followed me to cattle country. We were use to the small farm at our old house, but this is a whole new level. We live several miles from a feed lot, and it's nothing like the little mom and pop farm in the mid-west. If the wind is blowing right, we can taste the cattle, especially when the sun comes out after a rainy day.

I am writing a 4 page paper and had better get back to work,
